Friday, November 26, 2010

When should I retire?

When should you retire? Ask yourself. By the age of 50 or early 40? After you secure your savings and earn high salary…?

Get good grades in college/uni, develop an outstanding resume and hope to enter an MNC company with good prospect.
Climb your ladder up the top, become a manager by mid 30s, and get a secured top management position as you grow older. Earn a 5-figure salary and save enough money. Try not to spend so much, so that you can retire safely.

Try to picture my sentence above, is that almost similar to what you plan to do?
If not, good, hope your plan works out well in future.

If yes, then I must say this is such a dangerous plan.
These people are always stuck in the rat race until they get old. Because they are always in the corporate circle, work for company..sometimes till late night if job is not done. Wake up every morning 9-5. At the end of the month earn their paycheck.

These people work for money, if one day they fell ill, or not able to work, they don't get paid. So they work even harder in order to earn more money before they grow old, and retire early.
Health deteriorates, stress piling up, emotional breakdown….

All because they choose to earn more, and work harder to earn the kind of money.
Its not wrong to have a commitment like this, in fact I respect their persistence, they are very hardworking. I am less than half of what they can do.

Its just sad they suffered because of choosing a dangerous plan. A plan that majority chooses, very common to everyone, and even some parents teach their kid to do so!

I've seen many of them faced depression due to such plan, but doesn’t mean these people CANNOT change it.
They just need to improvise their plan, setting a better financial plan and future plan that save them from depression~
Instead of working for money, let money work for you

I've mentioned earlier in my previous posts, some ways to help build your wealth base:

These are some small steps to begin with, at least you wont stuck in the rat race until old age. At least there are still money coming in even when you are not working.
More suggestions to come in future…once I've listed out some other opportunities to get out of rat race =)

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